Pieter Adriaans - Blog

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The great digitisation project continues: New Site in the air!!!
The great digitization project continues 

Today we are launching the new website www.pieter-adriaans.com. The site has existed for almost 20 years but the technology behind the site was outdated. In the past month Jos Velema has created a ne...
Exposition 'Tocadores' in Museu Francisco de Lacerda

by : Pieter - 2022-04-09 - 798 views

Exposition 'Tocadores' in Museu Francisco de Lacerda
Upon arriving in the Azores, Pieter Adriaans was enchanted by Azorean popular music. As a musician and artist, he was curious to learn to play the viola da terra – for the instrument and for its social and cultural importance. This is how he ...