Exposition 'Tocadores' in Museu Francisco de Lacerda
by : Pieter - 2022-04-09 - 872 views
Upon arriving in the Azores, Pieter Adriaans was enchanted by Azorean popular music. As a musician and artist, he was curious to learn to play the viola da terra – for the instrument and for its social and cultural importance. This is how he arrives at festivals and pilgrimages and finds his performers, the players – individuals of relevance in the community they inhabit and in the perpetuation of the history of this instrument. In addition to playing, he uses his artist's hand to create a series of paintings of these players and moments where Azorean popular music is experienced. The exposition will be open till the end of may. ========= Ao chegar aos Açores, Pieter Adriaans encantou-se pela música popular açoriana. Enquanto músico e artista, sentiu curiosidade em aprender a tocar viola da terra – pelo instrumento e pela sua importância social e cultural. É assim, que chega às festas e romarias e encontra os seus executantes, os tocadores – indivíduos de relevância na comunidade em que habitam e na perpetuação da história deste instrumento. Para além de tocar, usa a sua mão de artista para criar uma série de quadros destes tocadores e de momentos onde se vive a música popular açoriana.
Indeed very interesting. Falling in love with the Azores is very easy (specially São Jorge island). Thank you for sharing ;)